Halloween Political Attack Ad Is The Best Attack Ad Ever

It’s election season and you’re probably being bogged down with political attack ads. You might be like most of us and be completely sick of them taking over you’re watching of the local news, but this one is for the ages. 

Juston McKinney, a comedian from New England, decided that he wanted to make sure that the kids that were trick or treating in his neighborhood  knew that his house was THE house.

In a world full of annoying, horrible attack ads, this man is a hero. He took something we all detest and turned it into comedy gold.

By the way, full size candy bars for the win. If I were a kid I would do a few costume changes and visit Mr. McKinney’s home a couple dozen times.

About BJ Ragone

Just a man with a computer, smartphone and a ridiculous amount of pop culture knowledge.

Posted on October 30, 2014, in Video and tagged , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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