Infographic Shows All The Superhero Movies Coming Out Until 2020

For those of you looking for a timeline for all of the movies that Marvel Studios, DC/Warner Bros, Fox and Sony have coming out for the next six years there is now an infographic that explains it all. 


It’s exciting to know that all of these movies are coming out, but to see it all laid out in a nice neat chart is even more helpful.

In all we are looking at just under 40 movies, and it could get to that number, maybe even go past it.

Which movies are you most excited about? The DC lineup, or the Marvel? Possibly what Fox is bringing to the table with their X-Men franchise? Let us know what you think in the comments section.

About BJ Ragone

Just a man with a computer, smartphone and a ridiculous amount of pop culture knowledge.

Posted on November 6, 2014, in Entertainment, Movies and tagged , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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