Albany Stations Switch To All Christmas Music

It’s no secret that I love everything about Christmas. It’s often frustrating when we skip right from Halloween to Christmas though. What happened to being thankful on Thanksgiving? At my retail job I walked in on November 1 and we had started Christmas music in our rotation. I was in Heaven! I am singing along to all of the songs I haven’t heard in a year, and often getting some strange looks from both co-workers and customers – but who cares? I’m in the holiday spirit!

So when my husband told me that two local radio stations switched to all Christmas music in the middle of the month, I promptly got in my car and changed my radio. What was the first song I heard when I turned on the radio? My all-time favorite novelty Christmas song:

It was a great way to start out the holiday season!

So what stations should you tune into to hear your favorite holiday songs? WTRY and B 95.5.

They are both playing 24/7 Christmas music through the holidays. So what are your thoughts on all Christmas music? What’s your favorite Christmas song?

Posted on November 17, 2014, in Entertainment, Local Stuff, Music, Video and tagged , , . Bookmark the permalink. 2 Comments.

  1. I love Christmas music, but I tend to like it better after Thanksgiving 🙂 My favorite Christmas song is probably Oh Holy Night, but I love all the fun Santa Claus songs too!

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