The X-Cast: Geek Show Episode 11 – Leonard Nimoy


Leonard Nimoy

We had just heard the news the same day we were planning on recording this show. So to not look back on Leonard Nimoy’s life and works, would be unthinkable. He was a legend and an artist. And the first segment of this show, talks about that. 

BJ and I then move into the latest news from Marvel. A new poster for the Avengers: Age of Ultron movie and we take a closer look at it and give our thoughts. We then move on to some Spider-Man rumors, and one of them doesn’t give me hope. Yes, you read that right. I am a little worried about Spider-Man from this rumor that has been going around.

We then take a look at DC news and talk about Margot Robbie being cast as Harley Quinn. Which leads us into another discussion about there being enough female superheroes in comics. BJ wrote an article asking that, and we decided to dive in a little deeper on it. BJ and I then share a list of our all female super teams.

BJ then gives his thoughts on the new Darth Vader comic book, and I am convinced that I need to get back into reading comics again.

Till next show… EXCELSIOR!!!

About BIG Rich Lawrence

The guy who keeps this joint running, and digital hipster, because meat space is soooo old!

Posted on March 2, 2015, in Featured, Geek Show and tagged , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 2 Comments.

  1. So you guys touched a lot of the star wars comic, but what are your thoughts on the casting of Tatiana Manslany (watch orphan black!) in a “Star Wars Spinoff”. What do you think it is, my first thought was a Clone Wars thing but now I’m not sure.

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