Watch The New Deadpool Red Band Trailer, Then Touch Yourself

After Fox tried to pull the leaked Comic Con trailer, they announced that they would be releasing a better version of the trailer but everyone would just have to wait. Obviously, Fox doesn’t know it’s fans well, because they don’t like waiting. Well, some don’t, but this was worth it. 

Check out the new trailer, which looks a lot like the old trailer, but with a few changes. But more or less, it’s a good trailer and I found myself smiling from ear to ear after watching it twice. Once on YouTube, the second time when it made it’s broadcast premiere on Conan’s show on TBS.

So check it out now and compare it to the leaked one from Comic Con and tell us what you think in the comments below! And tell me if you don’t think Ryan Reynolds and TJ Miller shouldn’t make a “buddy” flick together based on this trailer. Come on!!

And now, here’s the leaked Comic Con trailer..

Posted on August 4, 2015, in Movies and tagged , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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