Who Will Be The First Albany Radio Station To Go All Christmas? [POLL]

Halloween is done and now our collective attention moves to Thanksgiving and the Christmas holiday. We’re already seeing stores like Macy’s and JC Penny’s with decorations and products out for Christmas. But the question we all want to know is: “Which Radio Station will flip to all Christmas Music first?”

Bvs98In the radio biz, getting those listeners to tune in is where you make the money. The more that listen the more that will respond to the advertiser’s ads, or so the math says. And with the holiday coming up, being the first to switch to Christmas music, gets the people that want to be in the spirit to listen and generally leave the dial on that frequency. So it’s always a mad rush to see who will flip first. In fact, many stations will keep it a closely guarded secret as not to arouse the suspicions of the competition. But, in years past, it seems it starts earlier and earlier. So we’re wondering who you think will pull the trigger first.

B95.5, WYJB and Oldies 98, WTRY both are known to go all Christmas all music for the holidays. So the question in, who will go first? Take our poll and let us know! And if you have an office pool, put us down for $5 on 98TRY.



About BIG Rich Lawrence

The guy who keeps this joint running, and digital hipster, because meat space is soooo old!

Posted on November 2, 2015, in Local Stuff, Music and tagged , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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