This Transformers Stop Motion Movie Is Better Than Michael Bay’s Movies

When it was announced that the Transformers were going to be made into a live action movie, fans were thrilled and jumping for joy. Then they announced Michael Bay was doing it, and we all got a little scared. Then we saw and read some of the plot and designs. And we all lost our collective childhood to that bastard. But this guy, has by far, made a better short Transformers movie with toys and stop animation, then Michael Bay could ever hope for, and for far less money I bet!

Harris Loureio, who is from Malaysia, made this. And a few other movies, and it makes you feel like you are watching a generation 1 Transformers episode. While the voices of the original actors are not here, you can almost hear Michael Bell, Frank Welker and Peter Cullen doing the iconic voices.

Still, if this little slice of home made nostalgia doesn’t hit you in the feels, then I don’t know what is wrong with you.

Posted on January 10, 2016, in Nerd Stuff, Video and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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