First Look At DC’s Justice League

We knew that DC and Warner Bros were working toward a Justice League film, and we now have concept art!

Warner Bros

Warner Bros

Well, here they are! Our cinematic version of DC’s Justice League. Warner Bros even confirmed that this is an official photo.

Who do we see?

  • Superman
  • Batman
  • Wonder  Woman
  • Cyborg
  • The Flash
  • Aquaman

One thing that I find interesting is that there is no Green Lantern in this photo. So will he not be involved in the first Justice League? Maybe they’re just trying to keep us guessing. Either way, this should provided enough geek talk for a little while!

About BJ Ragone

Just a man with a computer, smartphone and a ridiculous amount of pop culture knowledge.

Posted on January 19, 2016, in Entertainment, Movies and tagged , , . Bookmark the permalink. 1 Comment.

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