Unboxing the Yaesu FT2-DR – TECH TUESDAY

I’m getting back into the tech end of things. Watch my newest video of the unboxing of my latest ham radio, a Yaesu FT-2DR, a digital and analog VHF/UHF radio. 

I have been wanting this radio for a while now, and I finally saved up and got one. The whole video is off the cuff and just a stream of conscious thought. I’ll warn you now, you get some of the great off track thoughts you hear in Geek Show too. Let’s call that a feature not a bug. Meanwhile, if you’re a radio junkie like me, sit back and watch and let me know what else you would to see in future Tech Tuesday videos and podcasts.

About BIG Rich Lawrence

The guy who keeps this joint running, and digital hipster, because meat space is soooo old!

Posted on September 27, 2016, in Tech, Tech Tuesday, Video. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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