Geek Show – Episode 50: Ron Howard Directs Han Solo

Episode 50! A milestone for BJ and I and we couldn’t be happier! And also, we have a really cool announcement for the show as well. So are you ready to get geeky? Then strap yourself in, because we’re going to make the jump to light speed! Punch it Chewie!We had hinted at this a few episodes back, but we can now share that you will be able to find our little Geek Show podcast on the iHarts Radio app starting within the next few weeks. Uploads are taking place and once all that is done and things have synced up, we’ll be live. And as soon as that happens, we’ll let you know. In the meantime, grab the iHeart app now.

As for this episode? Well, we talked a little about the shake up on the set of the Han Solo movie and the original directors, were let go, Hollywood style, and replaced with veteran and Academy Award winning movie director Ron Howard! So BJ and I talk a little about that, as well as the latest info from the DC TV world. Hint: We’re hearing another crossover is happening. Plus a littleinfo from Sony on this whole Spider-verse thing, with a Venom movie, but no Spider-man? Yeah, Scratching our heads too.

We also talk some X-Men. Specifically Dark Phoenix and Dazzler. So a pretty good line up! Enjoy and as always, we would love your feedback!

Stay Geeky!


About BIG Rich Lawrence

The guy who keeps this joint running, and digital hipster, because meat space is soooo old!

Posted on June 27, 2017, in Entertainment, Geek Show, Podcasts and tagged , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 1 Comment.

  1. Congratulations on reaching the 50th episode of your podcast. You stay “geeky” as well!

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