Category Archives: Commentary

Creator of Cards Against Humanity Game Will Buy Congress’ Browsing History and Share It – Tech Thursday

Congress just rolled back some Net Neutrality rules that protected your browsing habits from being sold by ISPs out to make more money then they already do, off of you. Effectively removing privacy rules put in place by the last administration. But Max Temkin, who created the awesome card game “Cards Against Humanity” has an idea to show Congress we are not amused.   Read the rest of this entry

Listen To Richie Phillips Newest Parody on the Health Care Act

If you watched the video of when Richie Phillips stopped by the studio, you heard that he would let us know when he was going to release a new parody song, and he’s gone and done it! And he’s said we could share it with you here and on our streaming station X1. So without further ado, here is his latest called “Starting Over”.

The Sears Wishbook – How I Made My Christmas Wish List

It’s the time of the year when kids have prepared their lists for Santa of their holiday wishes and sent them off in hopes that on December 25th, Christmas morning, they will find them under their Christmas tree. Kids now a days use the Internet though to compile their lists. While kids of my day waited for that special moment, one that postal carriers of yore still dread to this day. The Sears Wishbook Catalog Day! Read the rest of this entry

I got Into a Facebook Argument with an “Election Official”

So those that have read this blog and heard me on the radio, and read my Facebook wall, will know I sometimes post funny stuff. Just this morning, I was feeling kind of fed up with the political process, and posted a meme that was meant to be satire and humourus. Well, one election official thought it wasn’t and decided to “educate” me.  Read the rest of this entry

‘Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice’ Spoiler Free Review

While critics are slamming DC’s cinematic universe debut, I have to strongly disagree with them. Simply put, “Batman v Superman” rocked. Read the rest of this entry

There’s A Reason Why Fans Still Question DC’s Movies

While many DC fans will argue that fans are unfair for being skeptical of their upcoming launch into a cinematic universe, there’s a reason for it.  Read the rest of this entry

Katie Nolan Explains Why Greg Hardy’s Return to the NFL is Horrible

You all remember Greg Hardy right? Known for beating women? Yeah, that Greg Hardy.  Read the rest of this entry

New York Approves $15 Per Hour For Fast Food Workers

Is $15 per hour too much to pay a fast food employee?  That’s the hottest debate on the Internet today as a New York panel appointed by Governor Cuomo recommended the pay increase just hours ago.  Supporters argue any wages less make it near impossible to survive, where as the opposition believes the job requirements are too easy to justify the increase in pay.  Where do YOU stand? Read the rest of this entry

Is San Diego ComiCon Past It’s Prime?

It’s the one of the hottest places for a geek to be in the summer. A festival of comic books, collectables, TV show and movie producers, actors and more. And I’m starting to get annoyed with it every year, and here’s why.  Read the rest of this entry

Posting Spoilers On Social Media – How Long Should You Wait?

Social Media spoilers – anticipation killers, aren’t they?  You wait a few hours to check your DVR or you bought the Saturday Matinee ticket instead.   Either way, you’re the last to the table.  What about those nights you *gasp* watch live TV –  or were front row opening night?  How long do YOU wait before posting spoilers?  Monte didn’t, and got busted. Read the rest of this entry