Category Archives: Podcasts

All of our podcasts in one place

Geek Show – Episode 50: Ron Howard Directs Han Solo

Episode 50! A milestone for BJ and I and we couldn’t be happier! And also, we have a really cool announcement for the show as well. So are you ready to get geeky? Then strap yourself in, because we’re going to make the jump to light speed! Punch it Chewie! Read the rest of this entry

The X-Cast: Geek Show Episode 49 – Full Sized Groot

BJ and I are back and we have more of the geeky stuff you like! We’re talking The Flash’s big reveal, The Defenders show us some bad guys, and Fox has 3 movies on deck for us in 2018! (more…)

The X-Cast: Geek Show Episode 48 – Rebel Air Horn

BJ and I are back, and we’re covering a lot of ground in this episode. Star Wars Rebels, The DC Television Universe and more. So strap in, we’re jumping into Hyperspace! Yipee! Sorry, I was over come with young Anakin Syndrome.. (more…)

Frank Palangi In Studio Live!


Listen to our interview with local rocker Frank Palangi today at 4:05pm on X1, Albany’s Online Rock or watch us live on our Facebook page!

The X-Cast: Geek Show Episode 35 – The Week of DC


What a week it’s been! Lots of news and so much to cover and so little time. Ready to get into it? OK then, get the show notes and start listening, it’s Geek Time!

BIG Rich Talks To Roses Unread on X1


I recently had the opportunity to talk to Allison, John and Grant from Roses Unread on X1. We talked about their new album, The Silver Lining, and how their sound changed from their previous albums. We also talked about their influences, working the day jobs to pay the bills and driving in big cities!

Also, check out Monte’s previous review of the band, and watch their video for their song Fallen below!


The X-Cast: Episode 7 – Snow Cast


Recording Episode 7 of The X-Cast


We finally dug ourselves out of the snow and were able to record a new show for your enjoyment! And we got the often seen, but hardly heard, Scottie Blaine on the show! It’s a Blizzard of 2015 miracle! Read the rest of this entry

The X-Cast: Episode 6 – Halloween Spooktacular

BJ, Monte, BIG Rich in The Geek Cave Studio

BJ, Monte, BIG Rich in The Geek Cave Studio

Hey kids, what time is it? Time for another episode of The X-Cast, with a Halloween theme. Let’s get to it shall we? (more…)

The X-Cast: Episode 5 – Meet The Rock Goddess [AUDIO]

Screen Shot 2014-08-15 at 8.51.51 AM

Now she hasn’t been very active on the site, but hopefully, after this podcast, we can convince her to come out of her shell. She’s Crista Leigh, The Rock Goddess and a new X-Jock. And in this episode, we kind of get to know her while we talk about nostalgia and how we are all starting to feel older. Read the rest of this entry

The X-Cast:Geek Show Episode 2 – Spider-Man 2? Meh… [AUDIO]



ALERT: Spoilers during show : So I finally saw Spider-Man 2, and after all is said and done, all I could muster up, when asked what I thought of the last two hours I spent watching it, was a feeling of getting snookered.  (more…)