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Geek Show Radio Episode 56 -Avengers Infinity Trailer Drops

BJ and I are back after an extended Holiday break, and we’re covering some really good stuff this episode! Be warned, there are some spoilers, so if you’re ready to roll, let’s get cracking!

In this episode we’re covering:

* Avenger’s Infinity War Trailer
* DC TV Crossover Crisis on Earth-X
* Justice League
* Thor Ragnarok
* Battlefront EA – Rey’s Parent’s Theory

Don’t forget, you can watch our live stream too on our Youtube Channel. Make sure you subscribe to it, so you can know when we’re going to be on! You can also find us on iHeart Radio and iTunes as well!

Will Bucky Barnes Become Captain America in the MCU?

Sebstian Stan is talking about the potential of Bucky taking over for Captain America. So what does he think?  Read the rest of this entry

Shia LaBeof Joins The Avengers For Motivational Speech

So for some reason Shia LaBeof has gone off the deep end. One too many Transformers movies if you ask me, but now he’s being put into different scenarios after putting a 30 minute “motivational” speech on YouTube. Now, see him as The Hulk in Marvel’s “The Avengers.” Read the rest of this entry

Bad Lip Reading’s Redneck Avengers is Hilarious

The only thing that could make Marvel’s “The Avengers” more awesome is if it were set in some sort of country drama. So the good folks over at bad Lip Readign did exactly that.  Read the rest of this entry

New ‘Avengers: Age of Ultron’ Posters – Time To Geek Out

May 1, 2015 is getting closer and closer. The excitement is almost too much for me, and I just want it to be May already, especially after seeing the latest posters they’ve released for “Avengers: Age of Ultron.”  Read the rest of this entry

Watch: Third ‘Avengers: Age of Ultron’ Trailer Arrives Ahead of Schedule

It seems to be pretty common for trailers to be released for a certain release date and then have them come out early. Blame it on leaks, or blame it on studios being so excited they just want you to see their product, either way we get to see the third trailer for “Avengers: Age of Ultron” a day early.  Read the rest of this entry

Sony Say Spider-Man Avengers Rumor is False. And Sony is Still A Dick

Did you hear about the rumor that was going around the last couple days saying that Sony and Marvel had finally worked out a deal to get Spider-Man in the new Avengers: Infinity War movies? Well Sony just said it was a false rumor. In other news, Sony is still a dick company.  Read the rest of this entry

New ‘Avengers 2: Age of Ultron’ Extended Trailer – Watch it Now

We didn’t get a while lot of new information from the latest extended teaser trailer for “Avengers 2: Age of Ultron” but we did get to see some more images from the upcoming film.  Read the rest of this entry

Infographic Shows All The Superhero Movies Coming Out Until 2020

For those of you looking for a timeline for all of the movies that Marvel Studios, DC/Warner Bros, Fox and Sony have coming out for the next six years there is now an infographic that explains it all.  Read the rest of this entry

First Look at Marvel’s ‘Avengers: Infinity War Part 1’

So far this week has been the week of Marvel. They made a huge announcement on Tuesday, gave us bonus “Age of Ultron” footage, and now it looks like someone has leaked teaser footage from their major phase three coming out party.  Read the rest of this entry