Blog Archives

The X-Cast: Geek Show Episode 39 – Strange Magic


Here ya’ go! Our latest episode for your listening pleasure! Just like Dr. Sheldon Cooper’s voice, it’s sure to be a delight!

The X-Cast: Geek Show Episode 32 – Interview With Comic Book Writer Matt Summo


We’re back with an interview with Matt Summo, writer of the comic book Dedication, from Double Take Universe. And a chance for you to win a couple copies of Matt’s book! Listen on! (more…)

The X-Cast: Geek Show Episode 18 – DC Love


Has it already been 10,080 minutes since the last episode? Well, I guess that means it’s time for a new one! And we have some good stuff to talk about. Please, read on for a rundown of what we covered in this new episode. And as always, SPOILER ALERT!! 


When Will We See a ‘Batman V. Superman: Dawn of Justice’ Trailer?

Anytime either DC or Marvel makes a move, the other one has to come back with something else. Marvel’s answer to DC announcing all of its films through 2020 was answered by Marvel with their trailer for “Avengers: Age of Ultron.” Now the big question is – when do we see a trailer for DC’s next big project? Read the rest of this entry

Picture of Scoot McNairy On The Set of DC’s Batman vs. Superman as The Flash?

So this has me kind of wondering if DC will screw up their chance with Batman vs. Superman or if they are actually doing something right. I’m going to say they will screw it up based on their past record. Read the rest of this entry