Blog Archives

The Sears Wishbook – How I Made My Christmas Wish List

It’s the time of the year when kids have prepared their lists for Santa of their holiday wishes and sent them off in hopes that on December 25th, Christmas morning, they will find them under their Christmas tree. Kids now a days use the Internet though to compile their lists. While kids of my day waited for that special moment, one that postal carriers of yore still dread to this day. The Sears Wishbook Catalog Day! Read the rest of this entry

Who Will Be The First Albany Radio Station To Go All Christmas? [POLL]

Halloween is done and now our collective attention moves to Thanksgiving and the Christmas holiday. We’re already seeing stores like Macy’s and JC Penny’s with decorations and products out for Christmas. But the question we all want to know is: “Which Radio Station will flip to all Christmas Music first?” Read the rest of this entry

Santa Ships Gifts to Albany Using FedEx?

Yep, it appears jolly old Saint Nick is outsourcing some of his work. But who can blame him? I mean the reindeer have to be getting tired and what not. And the cost for hay for them has got to be getting really high! So it makes sense.

But I also like the fact they mentioned Albany by name in this commercial.

Mariah Carey Can’t Sing Anymore, And We Should All Get Over It

In the 1990’s Mariah Carey had the voice that everyone wanted. However years and years of singing the way that she does has to take a toll, and unfortunately people don’t stay young forever.  Read the rest of this entry

An Important Note to Shoppers This Holiday Season…

I know you’re out running from store to store buying those perfect gifts, dealing with crowds, waiting in lines, and getting frustrated with this time of year – but have you ever taken a minute to think about those people behind the cash registers and counters?

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Idina Menzel & Michael Buble “Baby It’s Cold Outside” Video Featuring Kids Is Your New Favorite Christmas Music Video

A classic song for Christmas masterfully redone by modern day crooner Michael Buble and Elsa from Frozen, I mean Adel Dazeem.  Read the rest of this entry

Christmas Time – What Credit Cards Are Worth It?

It’s that time of year. You’re out shopping for those perfect Christmas gifts. You’re in a hurry going from store to store. You probably dismiss those offers from associates inviting you to apply for a store credit card. Are you making the right decision? has profiled five credit cards that may be worth the extra hassle at the register to apply for.

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Albany Stations Switch To All Christmas Music

It’s no secret that I love everything about Christmas. It’s often frustrating when we skip right from Halloween to Christmas though. What happened to being thankful on Thanksgiving? At my retail job I walked in on November 1 and we had started Christmas music in our rotation. I was in Heaven! I am singing along to all of the songs I haven’t heard in a year, and often getting some strange looks from both co-workers and customers – but who cares? I’m in the holiday spirit!

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The Voice of the Legedary Yukon Cornelius Passes Away

One of my favorite Christmas Specials of all time is Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer. One of my favorite characters is Yukon Cornelius.  Read the rest of this entry

Exclusive Photo of Santa Visiting Author of “Yes, Virginia” Letter

“Yes, Virginia, There is a Santa Claus.”  We all know the story of young Virginia O’Hanlon, the eight year old girl whom asked The Sun newspaper in 1897 a question that all people, young or old, yearn to know – is there a Santa Claus?  Columnist Francis Church responded with an iconic answer that Virginia believed until her final years.  In fact, in her later stages of life, Virginia was able to meet Santa in person and we have the exclusive photo of the encounter. Read the rest of this entry