Blog Archives

Check Out This Clip of Yoda’s Return in Star Wars Rebels

It was announced a few weeks ago, but we’re seeing the first clip from Star Wars Rebels that has Master Yoda, though only his voice, making an “appearance” on the show. That in itself is cool for a fan like me, but what it really making me geek out, is that Frank Oz, the original voice of Yoda, reprises his role for this episode.  (more…)

Darth Vader to Appear in Star Wars Rebels Premier Rebroadcast

SPOILER ALERT! After watching the first episode of the new Star Wars Rebels, I have to say I am very optimistic about the success of this show. It has the feel of Star Wars, and I can see how the team at Lucasfilm Animation are putting as much effort into this show as they did with Clone Wars. But now, Lucasfilm is just pulling out the stops.  Read the rest of this entry

Star Wars Battlefront Teaser Makes The Game Look Amazing [VIDEO]

If this game is anything like this teaser trailer makes it out to be, then Electronic Arts, may have come a step closer to redeeming themselves in the gamer community.  (more…)

Star Wars Ep. VII Rumor – Obi-Wan Has a Daughter/Grand Daughter

A recent rumor that came out about the new movies has dropped a pretty big bombshell about Obi-Wan (Ben) Kenobi. It was only a single line in a news report, but it’s still really big. But how could Obi-Wan have offspring? Jedi don’t do the “Galactic Horizontal Mambo”, right? Wrong, this is not only possible, but here’s how it could’ve happened. Read the rest of this entry