Blog Archives

Geek Show Radio: Episode 51 – Homecoming

BJ and I have returned after seeing the latest Marvel movie and we have collected our thoughts and it’s time for us to share what we think about it! As usual, there are spoilers ahead! So if you have yet to see the movie, go see it first before listening to this show! (more…)

The X-Cast: Geek Show Episode 40 – A Chat with Ben Morse of Marvel Comics


Howdey True Believers! BJ and I are back and we have a guest this time around. We made deals and moved heaven and Earth to make this happen! OK, actually, we just asked him and he said yeah! We have Ben Morse, Digital Media Director for Marvel Comics, and host Marvel’s own This Week In Marvel podcast!

This episode is more comic book centric,  but we do get into the TV and movie end of things after we talk with Ben. Open a new tab or window to follow along with the show notes.

The X-Cast: Geek Show Episode 36 – Talking With Gabe from Double Take Comics


We finally got hooked up with Gabe to chat about what he’s doing with Double Take Comics, and he let us in on an exclusive bit a news as well! Listen in and follow along with the show notes! (more…)

The X-Cast: Geek Show Episode 34 – It’s All About That (Star Killer) Base


**Spoiler Ahead!** We’re back with our first show of 2016 and have a lot to talk about! Everything from the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Netflix, and TV to, you guessed it, Star Wars Episode VII The Force Awakens. Ready? OK, Let’s go! And don’t forget to follow the show notes!

The X-Cast: Geek Show Episode 32 – Interview With Comic Book Writer Matt Summo


We’re back with an interview with Matt Summo, writer of the comic book Dedication, from Double Take Universe. And a chance for you to win a couple copies of Matt’s book! Listen on! (more…)

Are There Enough Female Superheroes?

It’s a question that has been brought up over the years on many different occasions. Are there enough female superheroes out there? Read the rest of this entry

Marvel Universe Set To End – Secret Wars Sets It Up

Big BIG news out of the comic book world. We learned news earlier this week that the Marvel Comic Universe would be coming to an end. We now know that the upcoming Secret Wars story will set up that fate.  Read the rest of this entry

Nerd Notes: Doctor Strange Rumors, Aquaman and ‘Infinity War’ Gets Its Directors

It is an exciting time to be a comic book fan. We’re getting so much over the next six years, and the news of casting and story lines just keeps on coming.  Read the rest of this entry

Catch The Punisher Easter Egg in Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D? Will We See Him?

Frank Castle is probably one of my all time favorite characters from Marvel. The Punisher feels that justice is not good enough for a lot of the evil that lives in the world. Could we see him in an episode of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D? Read the rest of this entry

Exclusive Look at ‘Avengers: Age of Ultron’ on ‘Guardians of the Galaxy’ Blu-Ray

Like most of you, I am dying to see more of what’s to come with Marvel’s “Avengers: Age of Ultron.” So far, it’s been sealed up pretty tight, but this December may provide a  bit more incite.  Read the rest of this entry