Blog Archives

Watch These Fun Reaction Videos to Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

While it’s been almost a year since Rogue One has been in theaters, and was just released on video back in April, there are those that have yet to see the movie for whatever reason. That’s where it falls on friends and family to take up the responsibility to help them be able to enjoy that which we have already been a part of. Plus seeing their reactions and watching them enjoy it, allows us to relive that feeling too! So here are a few reaction videos or people throughly enjoying Rogue One for the first time. The last one is my favorite! Read the rest of this entry

Happy 86th Birthday James Earl Jones

We would like to wish James Earl Jones, the voice of Darth Vader a Happy 86th Birthday! A man who made heavy breathing acceptable on Holonet calls. And also one of the most recognizable voices in the movie industry. 
He’s also been in numerous movies and won Multiple Emmys as well as Golden Globes. As well as the Lifre Time Acheuvement award from the Screen Actor’s Guild and an Honorary Academy Award. 

The X-Cast: Geek Show Episode 22 – Our Summer Vacation Is Over


Yes, it’s been a while. But we have a good reason, which we explain to you in the first few minutes of the show. But hey, we’re back and we’re still talking geek stuff! Want a quick rundown? OK. (more…)

Star Wars Rebels: Fire Across The Galaxy Season 1 Finale Recap

If you haven’t seen the season 1 finale of Star Wars Rebels, Fire Across The Galaxy, then be warned, this post contains spoilers, and you will will most likely want to avoid it.  You have been warned! Read the rest of this entry

The X-Cast: Geek Show Episode 11 – Leonard Nimoy


Leonard Nimoy

We had just heard the news the same day we were planning on recording this show. So to not look back on Leonard Nimoy’s life and works, would be unthinkable. He was a legend and an artist. And the first segment of this show, talks about that.  Read the rest of this entry

Star Wars vs. Star Trek Fan Made Movie Trailer Looks Pretty Amazing!

It’s the age old question, what would a movie of Star Wars vs. Star Trek look like? What kind of plot twists would we see? Would main characters die, and who? These are all interesting questions. This fan made trailer may give us a glimpse of what could be, in an alternate universe.  Read the rest of this entry

Darth Vader to Appear in Star Wars Rebels Premier Rebroadcast

SPOILER ALERT! After watching the first episode of the new Star Wars Rebels, I have to say I am very optimistic about the success of this show. It has the feel of Star Wars, and I can see how the team at Lucasfilm Animation are putting as much effort into this show as they did with Clone Wars. But now, Lucasfilm is just pulling out the stops.  Read the rest of this entry

The Star Wars Version of Pharrell’s Happy is Bad Ass

As a very devout Star Wars geek, I can say that this video made me squeal like a little girl when I saw it. And if you’re a Star Wars fan like I am, then you should see it too. Shot in Tunisia in the remains of the sets for Mos Eisley/Mos Espa and the Lars Homestead, seeing all these folks dancing in cosplay might also make me want to dress up to do the same. Would it be weird if I dressed as Boba Fett too? And who would you dress up as?