Blog Archives

Ghost Photographed at Fort William Henry

Was a ghost photographed at Fort William Henry in Lake George, NY.?  If you look closely at the photo taken on a recent ghost tour, it appears the paranormal is showing its face, just in time for Halloween.  Read the rest of this entry

Starburst Conspiracy: Why So Few Red and Pinks?

We’ve all experienced it. The joy of a fun size Starburst when trick or treating only to get home and find that 90% of them are yellow and orange. We’re calling you out. The numbers don’t add up.  Read the rest of this entry

There’s A TARDIS in Troy, N.Y. [VIDEO]

Someone has built a TARDIS and has been moving it to different places in Troy, N.Y. When a friend told me she had found where it currently was, I hopped in the car to get some pictures and record a little “Man on The Scene” news report about it. While there, we got a little surprise. (more…)

Jason Voorhees Is The Scariest Horror Villain of All Time, As Voted By You

For the past couple of weeks we have been asking you to vote on who you think the scariest horror villain was. We had some real heavy hitters in this battle, but Jason Voorhees of the “Friday the 13th” film series has beat them all.  Read the rest of this entry

The X-Cast: Episode 6 – Halloween Spooktacular

BJ, Monte, BIG Rich in The Geek Cave Studio

BJ, Monte, BIG Rich in The Geek Cave Studio

Hey kids, what time is it? Time for another episode of The X-Cast, with a Halloween theme. Let’s get to it shall we? (more…)

Halloween Political Attack Ad Is The Best Attack Ad Ever

It’s election season and you’re probably being bogged down with political attack ads. You might be like most of us and be completely sick of them taking over you’re watching of the local news, but this one is for the ages.  Read the rest of this entry

The Malta Drive-In Showing Halloween Classics

Halloween classics on the big screen?  Yes, please.  If you’re a horror movie fan, you’ll want to make your way up to the Malta Drive-In this weekend.  Not only is the theatre still open, but they’re offering some of the all-time great Halloween films on both screens!  Is there a better place to get spooked than outside, in the dark?!  Check out the schedule!

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Vote For the Scariest Horror Villain of All-Time

Who is the scariest horror movie villain of all-time?  Talk about a hot debate that brews every Halloween.  You’re a Freddy Krueger fan that stands by the Nightmare on Elm Street series and argues until you’re blue with a Jason Voorhees backer, screaming Friday The 13th’s own is the slasher king.  Time to settle the dispute – let’s find out who the number one evildoer really is with the X-Jock Villain Vote!  EIGHT monsters duke it out.  The outcome is in your hands – your vote will determine who ultimately makes us sleep with the nightlight on. Read the rest of this entry

Have You Heard About The Teal Pumpkins?

If you were a kid like me you bounded from house to house on Halloween trying to see how much candy you could collect before either your parents made you go home because it was too cold or it got too late. What if you’re a kid with a food allergy? Halloween isn’t quite as fun. Researchers estimate that up to 15 million Americans have food allergies. That affects 1 in every 13 children in the U.S. It’s a potentially deadly disease, especially on Halloween. But all of that could be changed with the teal pumpkin!

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The Best Halloween Costume Ideas 2014 – Geek Edition

When it comes to Halloween, it’s not just the kids that can have fun with dressing up. Sure, they get the candy too, and it is kind of awkward when a grown-up rings your bell and says “Trick or Treat”. But how fun is it to dress up as your favorite Sci-Fi character or hero? Or even video game characters? Here’s a top 5 we put together to help get the creative juices flowing.  Read the rest of this entry