Blog Archives

The Sears Wishbook – How I Made My Christmas Wish List

It’s the time of the year when kids have prepared their lists for Santa of their holiday wishes and sent them off in hopes that on December 25th, Christmas morning, they will find them under their Christmas tree. Kids now a days use the Internet though to compile their lists. While kids of my day waited for that special moment, one that postal carriers of yore still dread to this day. The Sears Wishbook Catalog Day! Read the rest of this entry

An Important Note to Shoppers This Holiday Season…

I know you’re out running from store to store buying those perfect gifts, dealing with crowds, waiting in lines, and getting frustrated with this time of year – but have you ever taken a minute to think about those people behind the cash registers and counters?

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Albany Stations Switch To All Christmas Music

It’s no secret that I love everything about Christmas. It’s often frustrating when we skip right from Halloween to Christmas though. What happened to being thankful on Thanksgiving? At my retail job I walked in on November 1 and we had started Christmas music in our rotation. I was in Heaven! I am singing along to all of the songs I haven’t heard in a year, and often getting some strange looks from both co-workers and customers – but who cares? I’m in the holiday spirit!

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