Blog Archives

Geek Show Radio Episode 56 -Avengers Infinity Trailer Drops

BJ and I are back after an extended Holiday break, and we’re covering some really good stuff this episode! Be warned, there are some spoilers, so if you’re ready to roll, let’s get cracking!

In this episode we’re covering:

* Avenger’s Infinity War Trailer
* DC TV Crossover Crisis on Earth-X
* Justice League
* Thor Ragnarok
* Battlefront EA – Rey’s Parent’s Theory

Don’t forget, you can watch our live stream too on our Youtube Channel. Make sure you subscribe to it, so you can know when we’re going to be on! You can also find us on iHeart Radio and iTunes as well!

The X-Cast: Geek Show Episode 44 – Live Geekery [VIDEO]

This is our first real jump into live streaming video for the podcast, and we’re hoping to do more in the future. But we haven’t gotten rid of our regular audio show, and you can still get it here, as well as iTunes, Stitcher, TuneIn and all the other places it’s available. Ready to get into the show? Let’s go! (more…)

Get a First Look at DC’s ‘Justice League’ and ‘Wonder Woman’ – SDCC Trailers

DC dropped both the trailers for their next big movies and they look fantastic.  Read the rest of this entry

First Look At DC’s Justice League

We knew that DC and Warner Bros were working toward a Justice League film, and we now have concept art! Read the rest of this entry

The X-Cast: GeekShow Episode 10 – Welcome Back Web Head!


A deal has been struck and BJ and Rich are back to talk about it, as well as thoughts on Agent Carter, Justice League, and a whole bunch more!  (more…)

Picture of Scoot McNairy On The Set of DC’s Batman vs. Superman as The Flash?

So this has me kind of wondering if DC will screw up their chance with Batman vs. Superman or if they are actually doing something right. I’m going to say they will screw it up based on their past record. Read the rest of this entry