Blog Archives

Roses Unread Talks To Us About Their New Video and Music

We got a hold of Allison to talk about their new music video and what they are up to now! Listen to the interview below and also check out their new music video!


Listen to The Sanforized Hour Christmas Day Show!

Be sure to listen to Santa George on Christmas Day at Noon and then again at 7pm on the stream for a special Christmas Day version of The Sanforized hour!

Listen to The Sanforized Hour on X1

We’re happy to announce we have a new show that streams on X1 and features music that just didn’t get the air play they deserved! Listen to the Sanforized Hour hosted by George B and streaming every Friday night at 9pm EST here on X1! (more…)

Updates to X1

Just to get folks up to speed on things, we’ve been doing some work in the background. One thing is we  added new music to the rotation of the station. Some Creed and Tool and a couple others. So when you listen you should hear them come up now! We also made it a little easier to listen as well! We created a listen live page that is mobile friendly. So you can listen on your mobile devices. We do have plans to have better mobile access, but that is in the future so stay tuned for that.

As always, we’ll have Geek Show, but we’re going to be adding a couple more programs to the station as well. We’re working on finalizing those. We hope that you like these new improvements and we would love to hear from you, what you think of them. Or if you have ideas, please share them.

We also want to take this opportunity to thank the people who are listening and reading. We hope that the content we are posting and creating is entertaining for you. Thanks for visiting and listening to X1 – Albany’s Online Rock!

Who Will Be The First Albany Radio Station To Go All Christmas? [POLL]

Halloween is done and now our collective attention moves to Thanksgiving and the Christmas holiday. We’re already seeing stores like Macy’s and JC Penny’s with decorations and products out for Christmas. But the question we all want to know is: “Which Radio Station will flip to all Christmas Music first?” Read the rest of this entry

Check Out Jeff Bridges’ New Spoken Word Album – Sleeping Tapes

His Dudeness, El Duderino, or if you just call him The Dude, Jeff Bridges has been into music for a long time. Like some other celebs, he has a band and plays out from time to time, and released a few albums. Including this new one which is mostly spoken word, and the proceeds got to the No Kid Hungry charity he sponsors.  Read the rest of this entry

Is Your Favorite Artist Coming to SPAC This Summer?

It’s my favorite time of the year – the announcements are starting to come out of artists on tour and coming to Central New York. From the New York State Fair to the Times Union Center and SPAC – we are lucky to have so many great venues to welcome so many great artists!

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Albany Stations Switch To All Christmas Music

It’s no secret that I love everything about Christmas. It’s often frustrating when we skip right from Halloween to Christmas though. What happened to being thankful on Thanksgiving? At my retail job I walked in on November 1 and we had started Christmas music in our rotation. I was in Heaven! I am singing along to all of the songs I haven’t heard in a year, and often getting some strange looks from both co-workers and customers – but who cares? I’m in the holiday spirit!

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Do Atheists Care About Carrie Underwood?

Carrie Underwood has a new song…who else is excited? I claim to be a huge fan…I only have all her CDs in my car and have been to 7 of her concerts…but that’s besides the point. Carrie is an amazing talent, an amazing woman (soon to be mom), and puts on an amazing show (just ask my husband who even enjoys her concerts and doesn’t mind coming with me). The question is do atheists care about her?

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Do I have Eclectic or Poor Taste in Music?

Everyone is going to have their own opinion on this, but it just really crossed my mind when I was heading over to Big Rich’s to record an episode of GeekShow. I’ve always listened to whatever music has peaked my interest, but some of it is just terrible.  Read the rest of this entry