Blog Archives

The X-Cast: Geek Show Episode 16 – THWIP! Goes The Web


Has it been a week already? Time sure does fly when you’re having fun. This episode of The Geek Show will hopefully entertain as well as inform you on some of the goings on in the Geek entertainment world. Ready? Set? GO! (more…)

Darth Vader to Appear in Star Wars Rebels Premier Rebroadcast

SPOILER ALERT! After watching the first episode of the new Star Wars Rebels, I have to say I am very optimistic about the success of this show. It has the feel of Star Wars, and I can see how the team at Lucasfilm Animation are putting as much effort into this show as they did with Clone Wars. But now, Lucasfilm is just pulling out the stops.  Read the rest of this entry

The X-Cast: #GeekShow Episode 4 – Star Wars For a Change [AUDIO]


Spoiler Alert! After a ton of news and rumors that came out the last couple days for the new Star Wars movie and for the new TV show Rebels, we figured we needed to get on this and do a show, so we’re back after a little over a week.  (more…)