Blog Archives

Geek Show Radio: Episode 61 – The Streaming

BJ and I are back for more of the geekiness you love with Geek Show Radio! And this episode we dig into the yummy things going on right now, like the new Captain Marvel trailer, The new Disney Streaming service and a couple of the new shows it’s offering to get fans to sign up. Plus, we compare talk about how all these competing services are making it harder for us to decide where to go, with our dough! So sit down. strap in for light speed, and away we go!

Lightsaber Duels Air on ESPN’s The OCHO [VIDEO]

Ever dream of competing in a Lightsaber challenge?   The duels are real, the league is legit, and you can catch all of the action of your future profession on TV TODAY!   To couple with ESPSN’s homage to the movie Dodgeball, the network is running “alternative” sports on ESPN The Ocho – and you can watch The Saber Legion. Read the rest of this entry

Geek Show Radio: Episode 59 – Infinity Podcast

It’s time again for another episode and we’ve got a lot to say of course! So strap in and get ready for Episode 59 of Geek Show Radio with BJ and Myself! SPOILERS AHEAD!

In this episode it’s Infinity War and and how that’s going to effect the rest of the MCU and the TV shows as well! SHIELD, The Netflix shows? How does it all tie together? We also discuss the new Solo movie coming out in the next couple weeks. BJ isn’t too hyped. Why not? Gotta listen to find out. And Agents of SHIELD is renewed for a 6th season! And we have Deadpool 2 on the way! It’s certified fresh on Rotten Tomatoes, but there is a catch. And we cover some of the CW shows as they wrap up their seasons as well.

Geek Show Radio: Episode 58 – Wakanda Forever

So much to talk about, and so much to cover. We’re talking Black Panther, Star Wars Rebels, Infinity Wars, the new Solo movie as well as Ant Man and the Wasp plus Jurassic World and Deadpool 2. We also talk a little about the news of Kevin Smith having a heart attack.

Geek Show Radio: Episode 57 – The Last Jedi

BJ and I are back after our holiday hiatus, and we’re ready to get back into the show! We hope you had a great holiday as well, and ready to start diving in with us! Ready? OK, here we go!

This episode we’re talking about The Fox and Disney merger and what that means for us the fans, BJ has some comic book picks he wants to share, plus we talk a little about The Punisher TV series on Netflix. Then I talk a little about a classic game I love called City of Heroes and how years later it’s getting something of a revival. We then move over to the movies with Black Panther just weeks away and then we’re into Deadpool 2 and Avengers Infinity War! Will it be a great summer for Marvel?

Then BJ and I get to The Last Jedi, and we talk about what we liked and didn’t like. A lot of people have been asking me my thoughts on the movie and I have been kind of reserved on telling them. Now, here’s my final word on it, we get BJ’s take on it as well. Definitely not a show to miss!

Geek Show Radio Episode 56 -Avengers Infinity Trailer Drops

BJ and I are back after an extended Holiday break, and we’re covering some really good stuff this episode! Be warned, there are some spoilers, so if you’re ready to roll, let’s get cracking!

In this episode we’re covering:

* Avenger’s Infinity War Trailer
* DC TV Crossover Crisis on Earth-X
* Justice League
* Thor Ragnarok
* Battlefront EA – Rey’s Parent’s Theory

Don’t forget, you can watch our live stream too on our Youtube Channel. Make sure you subscribe to it, so you can know when we’re going to be on! You can also find us on iHeart Radio and iTunes as well!

Geek Show Radio Episode 55 – The Last Jedi Trailer


BJ and I are at it again. This time around, we’re talking about the new Star Wars movie trailer for The Last Jedi. We’ll give you our take aways and thoughts! Also, spoiler alert if you haven’t caught the premieres of Supergirl and The Flash on the CW this week, as we talk a little about what we saw, as well as Marvel’s Inhumans ane the new Marvel mutant show The Gifted! This episode is packed full of the good stuff you crave, like Brawndo! Remember, to subscribe to our YouTube channel to watch us when we live stream the show!


Watch These Fun Reaction Videos to Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

While it’s been almost a year since Rogue One has been in theaters, and was just released on video back in April, there are those that have yet to see the movie for whatever reason. That’s where it falls on friends and family to take up the responsibility to help them be able to enjoy that which we have already been a part of. Plus seeing their reactions and watching them enjoy it, allows us to relive that feeling too! So here are a few reaction videos or people throughly enjoying Rogue One for the first time. The last one is my favorite! Read the rest of this entry

Geek Show – Episode 50: Ron Howard Directs Han Solo

Episode 50! A milestone for BJ and I and we couldn’t be happier! And also, we have a really cool announcement for the show as well. So are you ready to get geeky? Then strap yourself in, because we’re going to make the jump to light speed! Punch it Chewie! Read the rest of this entry

Happy 86th Birthday James Earl Jones

We would like to wish James Earl Jones, the voice of Darth Vader a Happy 86th Birthday! A man who made heavy breathing acceptable on Holonet calls. And also one of the most recognizable voices in the movie industry. 
He’s also been in numerous movies and won Multiple Emmys as well as Golden Globes. As well as the Lifre Time Acheuvement award from the Screen Actor’s Guild and an Honorary Academy Award.