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X-Jock Predicts The Winner of the Super Bowl

Who will win the Super Bowl Sunday?  The New England Patriots are attempting to dethrone the defending champions, the Seattle Seahawks, whom are trying to be the first team to repeat as winners since – the Patriots.   After going over very important football-related research, we at X-Jock have predicted this year’s winner.  See who each of us is taking to hoist the Lombardi tomorrow. Read the rest of this entry

Five Things You Could Buy For 4.5 Million Dollars Instead of A Thirty-Second Super Bowl Commercial on NBC

NBC has announced that 95% of the advertising space for next month’s Super Bowl has been sold – at 4.5 million dollars per 30-second spot.  As much as we love the halftime commercials, can you believe they cost nine million bucks a minute? Let’s see what else we could buy for 4.5 million beans. Read the rest of this entry

Georgia Lawyer’s Local Super Bowl Ad Blew Away Local Albany Lawyer’s Ad

Like a lot of people, I watched the Broncos pretty much give up and bend over on national television. But I was more interested in the commercials then the game. Then I saw a local law firm’s Super Bowl Ad. Cool, Zombies! Then I saw Jamie Casino’s local Super Bowl ad on YouTube. HOLY SHIT!

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The Seahawks’ Super Bowl Win Summed Up With GIFs

I feel as though most of us thought that Super Bowl XLVIII would be a bit more exciting. The best offense in the NFL faced off against the best defense in the NFL. What did we get? A complete blowout.  Read the rest of this entry

This Photo Proves Just How Awesome Patrick Stewart and Ian McKellen Are

Just because they’re 73 and 74 years old doesn’t mean that Patrick Stewart and Ian McKellen have stopped having fun. Professor X and Magneto will be watching some football, but do they mean the American or European kind? Read the rest of this entry

What Was Wrong With SodaStream’s Banned Scarlet Johansson Commercial? Nothing!

Why is there such a dust up about SodaStream‘s new ad for the Super Bowl starring Scarlet Johansson? She’s not getting naked, which I wouldn’t mind seeing, or doing anything remotely “risqué”. OK, sucking on that straw that way does make me a little warm, but hey, still nothing really wrong there. What’s the deal? Read the rest of this entry

Anna Kendrick’s New Castle Brown Ale Super Bowl Commercial Is The Best Non-Super Bowl Commercial Ever

Alright, so I’ve been watching a lot of “Pitch Perfect” lately, and Anna Kendrick is pretty awesome in it. Yes, she was also in “Twilight” but we can forget about that after seeing this awesomely hilarious ad she did for New Castle Brown Ale. It may or may not be the best Super Bowl commercial of the year – or EVER.  Read the rest of this entry

Kate Upton Does Victor Cruz’s Salsa Dance In The Super Bowl End Zone [VIDEO]

You don’t have to be a Giants fan to appreciate a Victor Cruz salsa dance in the end zone of Met Life Stadium.  More so when Kate Upton is the one shaking their hips.  Check out the video of Ms. Upton spicing up the end zone as we ready for the Super Bowl. Read the rest of this entry

Full House Cast Reunites For Super Bowl Commercial

We’ll have a 90’s flashback during this year’s Super Bowl ads when we see Danny Tanner, Joey and Uncle Jesse from Full House reunite during the big game.  Check out the sneak preview for the Dannon Oikos commercial.  Read the rest of this entry