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Geek Show Radio: Episode 61 – The Streaming

BJ and I are back for more of the geekiness you love with Geek Show Radio! And this episode we dig into the yummy things going on right now, like the new Captain Marvel trailer, The new Disney Streaming service and a couple of the new shows it’s offering to get fans to sign up. Plus, we compare talk about how all these competing services are making it harder for us to decide where to go, with our dough! So sit down. strap in for light speed, and away we go!

There’s A Reason Why Fans Still Question DC’s Movies

While many DC fans will argue that fans are unfair for being skeptical of their upcoming launch into a cinematic universe, there’s a reason for it.  Read the rest of this entry

Is ‘Supergirl’s’ Hank Henshaw Going To Be Cyborg Superman?

We got a tiny little reveal as to who hank Henshaw really was on last night’s “Supergirl.” So is he who we think he is? Read the rest of this entry

Nerd Notes: ‘Batman V Superman’ Update, Oscar Nods for Comic Book Films, and New Star Wars Character

We’ve learned some new details about Superman’s role in “Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice”, as well has why “Buffy the Vampire Slayer” creator isn’t happy with his show getting a wide screen make over.  Read the rest of this entry

Picture of Scoot McNairy On The Set of DC’s Batman vs. Superman as The Flash?

So this has me kind of wondering if DC will screw up their chance with Batman vs. Superman or if they are actually doing something right. I’m going to say they will screw it up based on their past record. Read the rest of this entry