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First Look At DC’s Justice League

We knew that DC and Warner Bros were working toward a Justice League film, and we now have concept art! Read the rest of this entry

WATCH: New ‘Batman v Superman’ Trailer Gives First Look at Doomsday

With DC/Warner Bros “Batman v Superman” heading the theaters in March 2016, we finally have a more in depth look at the film with this latest trailer.  Read the rest of this entry

There’s A Reason Why Fans Still Question DC’s Movies

While many DC fans will argue that fans are unfair for being skeptical of their upcoming launch into a cinematic universe, there’s a reason for it.  Read the rest of this entry

New ‘Batman v Superman’ Clip Shows Superman Is In Charge

While the next trailer for the highly anticipated “Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice” will premiere Wednesday during “Jimmy Kimmel Live” we got a new clip to drool over.  Read the rest of this entry

Doomsday Going To Play a Major Role in ‘Batman v Superman: Dawn Justice’

Just when we thought that we might have things figured out when it comes to “Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice”, we get another monkey wrench thrown at us. Now it looks as though Doomsday, yes THAT Doomsday, will play a big role.  Read the rest of this entry

When Will We See a ‘Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice’ Trailer? Now We Know!

Let’s hope this information isn’t just a hoax like the last time we got “Batman v Superman” trailer rumors.  Read the rest of this entry