Blog Archives

Roses Unread Talks To Us About Their New Video and Music

We got a hold of Allison to talk about their new music video and what they are up to now! Listen to the interview below and also check out their new music video!


Listen to The Sanforized Hour Christmas Day Show!

Be sure to listen to Santa George on Christmas Day at Noon and then again at 7pm on the stream for a special Christmas Day version of The Sanforized hour!

Fight Breaks out at Giants and Lions Game

Our own Monte Jennings is becoming a minor celeb! He caught a couple fans fighting at a game between the Giants and his own Lions. Seems the one guy threw up on the other, and, well it takes off from there. 

Watch Adam Savage and Aaron Douglas Build and Paint Models and Just shoot The Breeze

While just watching random things on YouTube, I came across this awesome video. And I’m angry with myself for not finding it before, because it has a little of everything I love in it! Plus for me, it’s very relaxing just watching someone build something. The conversation is great and the stories that Aaron Douglas tells are just really funny and good. I love seeing actors just being themselves, because we associate these talented people with the characters they have played. This video also takes me back to being a kid when I did build models like jet fighters, and Star Wars ships. I think it’s almost zen like. Have a look!


Watch Kirsten Dunst Do a Cover Of The Vapor’s Turning Japanese [VIDEO]

I’m a fan of 80’s rock. Not only the metal and hard rock stuff, but even some of the pop and “off center” stuff too. I guess you could call it avant guard? Anyways, the Vapors had a cool hit and actress Kristen Dunst did a cover and a music video.
And I gotta say she look amazing in this video! The short dress and the dancing does something for me. Who knew right? Well check it out, just for the music if the visuals aren’t your thing, because it’s pretty good! He’s to her maybe doing a few others!

Richie Phillips Stops By The X1 Studio

Richie Phillips stopped by for a visit to check out the studio, but we couldn’t let him leave without talking to him on the air about what he’s been up to, what he thinks about the recent changes that have happened in the Albany radio market, and maybe a podcast in his future? 

The X-Cast: Geek Show Episode 44 – Live Geekery [VIDEO]

This is our first real jump into live streaming video for the podcast, and we’re hoping to do more in the future. But we haven’t gotten rid of our regular audio show, and you can still get it here, as well as iTunes, Stitcher, TuneIn and all the other places it’s available. Ready to get into the show? Let’s go! (more…)

Check Out Frank Palangi’s Break These Chains Music Video

As promised, Frank’s new video is now out for his latest song, Break These Chains! Watch it right now and let Frank know what you think! And did you miss our interview with Frank and Josh here in the X1 studio? Check back later for the link to the video and audio!

The X-Cast: Geek Show Episode 40 – A Chat with Ben Morse of Marvel Comics


Howdey True Believers! BJ and I are back and we have a guest this time around. We made deals and moved heaven and Earth to make this happen! OK, actually, we just asked him and he said yeah! We have Ben Morse, Digital Media Director for Marvel Comics, and host Marvel’s own This Week In Marvel podcast!

This episode is more comic book centric,  but we do get into the TV and movie end of things after we talk with Ben. Open a new tab or window to follow along with the show notes.

Watch The New Rogue One Teaser And Squeal Like a Little Girl

It’s here! The first look at the new Star Wars anthology movie, Rogue One, and it looks AWESOME! Check it out below!

If you were no squealing like a little girl right there, then you are obviously not a fan of Star Wars! I can not wait now! I am hyped! And I can’t wait till more comes out. Expect BJ and I to talk about this on Geek Show, very soon!