Blog Archives

Watch The New Captain America: Civil War Trailer, with Spider-Man!

I just saw Spider-Man! I just saw Spider-Man! I just saw Spider-Man! I just saw Spider-Man! Am I fan boying right now? I feel like I am! We’re getting what we’ve been waiting for! It really is a great time to be a geek! Rest assured, BJ and I will break this down in the next episode of The Geek Show! Till then, keep a paper bag handy so you don’t hyperventilate!


This Transformers Stop Motion Movie Is Better Than Michael Bay’s Movies

When it was announced that the Transformers were going to be made into a live action movie, fans were thrilled and jumping for joy. Then they announced Michael Bay was doing it, and we all got a little scared. Then we saw and read some of the plot and designs. And we all lost our collective childhood to that bastard. But this guy, has by far, made a better short Transformers movie with toys and stop animation, then Michael Bay could ever hope for, and for far less money I bet! (more…)

Watch: Adele – Hello (From The Dark Side), A Star Wars Parody

A friend posted this to my Facebook page thinking it was pretty great and wondered if it was worthy to be posted on our site. Well, yeah! I’m not personally a big fan of Adele, but I like her music and this is obviously in my wheel house of interest. RoyishGoodLooks should think about maybe doing more parodies. And if they are as good as this, I think a duet with Weird Al wouldn’t be out of the question. Enjoy!


Watch the ‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ Japanese Trailer

There is a brand new “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” trailer for us to watch and it’s full of new footage and clues! (more…)

Santa Ships Gifts to Albany Using FedEx?

Yep, it appears jolly old Saint Nick is outsourcing some of his work. But who can blame him? I mean the reindeer have to be getting tired and what not. And the cost for hay for them has got to be getting really high! So it makes sense.

But I also like the fact they mentioned Albany by name in this commercial.

Netflix Releases Second Jessica Jones Trailer

The second trailer for Marvel’s newest show on Netflix has dropped into our laps and while it only clocks in at 48 seconds, it really is pretty good in it’s simplicity. But if you know the story behind the character Jessica Jones, you can see that they are “going there”. And we can’t wait! Check it out and let us know what you think. Also, here is the first one to watch again as well.  (more…)

X1 Online Radio is Live Testing

So we mentioned it in a past episode of Geek Show, and now we’re ready for a limited open beta test. Want to listen and tell us what you think? Now’s your chance! Click the banner to the right to listen to X1, our 24/7 streaming station. Just keep in mind, we’re still in a beta and this won’t be up all the time as we tweak and make adjustments. But we’re really close now! So fire it up and ROCK!

Mashup! Cast A Star Trek Character As A Character From X-Men! [VIDEO]

Saw this picture on Facebook and thought this would be a cool thing to do. Take a character from the Star Trek TV shows and movies, and cast them as characters from X-Men! Good guys or bad guys! Put your ideas in the comments below and we’ll talk about them on the next Geek Show!

And yes, I know I said Worf was Beast when he’s obviously Wolverine. I missed the claws.. Rookie mistake.  😦

Watch The Star Wars Episode 7 TV Promo That Aired in Korea

Seems the word got out fast about a 30 second promo for Star Wars Episode 7 that played on Korean TV. Watch it below!

As you noticed, it was in English, but subtitled in Korean. But the only new scene I see, is just the big shot of all those storm troopers. The rest of the footage, we’ve seen in the teaser trailer that was released at Star Wars Celebration Anaheim. Still, we’re only 128 days away as of the posting of this story. Do you think we’ll start to see some of the same thing here in the United States? Let’s hope so!


Watch The New Deadpool Red Band Trailer, Then Touch Yourself

After Fox tried to pull the leaked Comic Con trailer, they announced that they would be releasing a better version of the trailer but everyone would just have to wait. Obviously, Fox doesn’t know it’s fans well, because they don’t like waiting. Well, some don’t, but this was worth it.  (more…)