Blog Archives

Deadpool Teases His Own Trailer. Meta!

Oh hells yes! It makes me want to see it even more! And it’ll be a redband trailer as well. So watch this, then come back tomorrow for the whole trailer. It’s going to be good!

Watch the Star Wars The Force Awakens SDCC Panel Reel Footage

Yep! It’s new footage from the Star Wars panel, showing some behind the scenes stuff from Star Wars Episode VII! (more…)

Rich’s Geek Cave – Interview with Nicki Clyne

So while I was at the Albany Comicbook Show today with the daughter, I had the pleasure to talk to actress Nicki Clyne, known for her role on Battlestar Galactica as Cally Henderson Tyrol, about a project she has been working on about truth in the media. 

BJ and I have talked about Nicki in past episodes of the show, but this is the first time we’ve gotten to interview her. Hopefully, we may be able to convince her to be a guest host on Geek Show. 

Watch Tyrion Lannister Sing A Game of Thrones Song About Dead Characters

Peter Dinklange is not only an awesome actor, but a fair singer too. He stepped up to the mic to sing a song for Red Nose Day, a charity that raises money to help children in poverty, all about some of the Game of Thrones characters that died in the show. Remember Ned Stark? He didn’t get past season 1. But who else?

Check out the video for more. It’s pretty funny.

Watch The New 6 Minute Supergirl TV Trailer

So in the last episode of Geek Show, we made mention of the new DC show Supergirl and that it would be shown on the CBS network, which also owns the CW where we can follow The Flash and Arrow. Now we’re getting our first look at Supergirl with a 6 minute trailer, which gives us a good idea of how the show will play out.  (more…)

Watch Jack Nicholson’s Reaction Video To Jared Leto’s Joker. It’s Not Happy

When it comes to the Joker, one of Batman’s most famous villains, if it’s not played by the right person, then all bets are off as to the fans liking it. And so far, the 2 people who played him on the screen, have nailed it. Then, there was Jared Leto.  (more…)

The New Star Wars The Force Awakens Trailer is Here!!

I can’t say anything else but, HOLY COW!!!! Just watch it a bunch of times!! I’ll have a complete breakdown of the trailer for Geek Show this Tuesday!

Watch R2-D2 Find True Droid Love In This Fan Short Film

Some Star Wars fan movies are hit and miss, but this one is pretty good and makes you feel good in the end. Plus who doesn’t love seeing our favorite astro-droid have an adventure all on his own.  (more…)

Seen the Video of Facebook Statuses of The Boston Snowstorm With Sad Civil War Music?

We already talked about how Boston just got dumped on by Mother Nature, but someone else decided to just rub it in more by gathering some Facebook posts and putting it all to some sad music that sounds like it came from a Civil War documentary. Take that Beantown!! (more…)

Freddie Mercury Lives In Unreleased Song on Queen’s Latest Album [VIDEO]

I’ve always been a Queen fan, especially of Freddie Mercury. He was, in my opinion, the greatest frontmen in rock music. His vocal range was awesome and even to hear him sing along side opera singers, was amazing to listen to. I don’t know how I had missed the release of this song back in November of 2014, but I’m glad it crossed my radar. But check out this video of this previously unreleased song. It makes me feel like Freddie never left us.
